Festival Brunetti

From 04.26.2025 to 04.30.2025
Autonomous Region Community of Madrid

Promoter: Asociación Cultural La Granjilla
Director: Gustavo Sánchez



The Brunetti Festival of Colmenar de Oreja (Madrid) was born with the intention of spreading the music and the figure of the composer Cayetano Brunetti (1744-1798) in the town where he lived and is buried.

This violinist and composer of the Royal Chapel of Charles III and director of the Royal Chamber under the reign of Charles IV was practically unknown until 80 years ago.

His music was reserved for the exclusive delight of the King of Spain and the high nobility, mainly the Houses of Alba and Osuna, so his scores were hardly published.

The research and recovery of Brunetti's work by the Ars Hispana Association, the Camerata Antonio Soler -with its director Gustavo Sánchez- and the researcher and author of Brunetti's catalog, Germán Labrador, was the beginning of this project.

And the collaboration of the Asociación de Amigos del Museo Ulpiano Checa y de la Historia de Colmenar de Oreja, its Town Hall and local sponsoring companies have made this festival and the dissemination of Brunetti's work among the public 250 years later possible.

The Brunetti Festival revolves around the author, and consists of exhibitions, conferences, concerts and performances of stage works by Cayetano Brunetti or his contemporary composers.

Groups specialized in the performance of Brunetti's works take part in this festival, trying to include some of them as premieres in modern times. Likewise, the Camerata Antonio Soler, resident orchestra of the festival, usually performs unpublished works by the composer in its concerts.

The venue of the Brunetti Festival is the Teatro Diéguez (1860), a historic stage and center of the cultural life of Colmenar de Oreja, equipped with an orchestra pit and a capacity for more than 500 spectators. 

This festival is a tribute to his memory and the dissemination of his musical works.